Sunday, 9 April 2017


I don’t know how you did it or even why you tried
What you saw in me was hidden much too deep for me to find
I don’t know how it got this bad, how things got so far gone
Why you came into my life to write all of the wrongs
I couldn’t see how bad it was, see the grey within the dark
Where my path had gone astray, a miscalculation gone too far
In a hole so deep and empty it became my truth, my way of life
What I was before… destroyed, the light left from my eyes
I didn’t see you standing there, couldn’t see you through the fog
Weighted down by my reality, I thought all hope was lost
Inconceivable to me was the hope any light could break through
Who would want to feel what I felt, my pain, what I went through
In my sad and desolate place my heart it felt so cold
Waiting, it was, I didn’t know for you to come along
In a form so pure and innocent right beside me there you stood
Waiting for you, my soul to see, just like you knew it would
It took a while, it took some time, for me to feel your touch
Water from the heavens washing over me from the depths of your heart
Inside I felt hope be reignited, and soon I came to see
What was hidden beneath all of the pain and misery
I felt faith and hope and healing, things once lost from memory
Winters melted into spring, and my core began to sing
I started to remember, feel what it was to love again
When for the first time, I felt the slight touch of you hand
I realised you dimmed your light just so you could sneak in
Without alarming me to your presence, as you rekindled my inner being
Instantly I cried, my only response for saving my life
While you just smiled, took me in your arms, on your shoulder, let me cry
In that moment I was whole again, free from where I had been
Wondering how you managed to break me free release from me my passion
In my life you came, removed the gloom, the fog hanging over my heart
When I tried to offer something in return you said my freedom was enough
I don’t know how you did it or even why you tried

When the only way to save me was to give me some of your light

©Samuel Alexander April 2017