Friday, 29 September 2017


This is the face of a man who woke up the same as every other man... not dead
One who thought he had something to live for but found he had nothing worth dying for
A man who thought he had something for the world
To leave behind, to give a voice worth being heard


When life hands you lemons make lemonade they say
But life forgot the water, the juicer, the pitcher to put it in
You can't just up and make it without the tools needed
Everything needs to fall in place
The stars aligned at the right time to provide an escape from the madness of life
If only it were so simple to just wish something into existence
Wave a magic wand and poof, lemonade has arrived
Abracadabra I did it... wait, no I didn't


He calls me beautiful as if it were my name
In a tone so smooth it melts away the pain
Falls on my ear like birds on a spring day, keeping my heart in sink like the patter of falling rain
Cool, refreshing, invigorating, intoxicatingly sweet are all the things this one word brings
His voice sings to my aura and flies on wings of love, that even when it seems too much he gives more with no signs of giving up